Medical cost trends, 2007-2020

  1. 2007 - 11.9%
  2. 2008 - 9.9%
  3. 2009 - 9.2%
  4. 2010 - 9.0%
  5. 2011 - 9.0%
  6. 2012 - 8.5%
  7. 2013 - 7.5%
  8. 2014 - 6.5%
  9. 2015 - 6.8%
  10. 2016 - 6.2%
  11. 2017 - 5.5%
  12. 2018 - 5.7%
  13. 2019 - 5.7%
  14. 2020 - 6.0%
Notes: Medical cost trend is the projected percentage increase in the cost to treat patients from one year to the next, assuming that benefits remain the same